How to Make Free Blog Blogger
For The Beginner if the master do not read ok ;0
Create a blog on / blogspot is extremely easy because owned by Therefore, if you already have a email, list your stay directly at In short follow the short steps below:
1. Visit
2. Enter your Gmail account on the "user name (email)" and the password in the "Password". See figure 1.
If you do not have a Gmail, register at, or at
a. Fill in "Display Name" box. Example: My Name
b. Love a tick (check) the "Acceptance of Terms"
c. Click "Continue". See figure 2.
3. In the "Blog Title" -> fill with the desired title. Contoh : radezenz blogspot
4. In the "Blog address" -> browse to the URL address
Do not forget to click "Check Availability" to see if the selected URL address that has not been there. Try to make another address if the address is not available. See figure 3.
5. Click "Continue"
6. In the "Select a Template" and click "Continue" (picture 4)
7. "Your Blog Has Made!" -> You've managed to create a blog (picture 5)
8. Click "Start Blogging" to write articles.
9. In the "Title" in the box with the title of the article to be written. Example: Writing on Blogs
10. Fill in the box below the article. For example, see picture 6.
11. Click "Post to publis"
12. Congratulations! You managed to create a blog and post the article. (See picture 7).
NOTE: To post the next article, you can just click the "Post". To edit your posts click on "Edit Post"
picture 2
picture 3
picture 4
picture 5
picture 6
picture 7
keep bloging